Tuesday, 26 February 2013

NUMERACY - Direction

This week in numeracy, we are developing our understanding of direction. Later on we will combine it with ICT to become computer programmers and eventually make a Mayan maze computer game.

Here we are trying to give clear directions to each other, to try and trace out a particular shape. The children had to think carefully about the language they used and the importance of precise instructions in order to be successful. They rose to the challenge, amending their work when it didn't work. Everyone worked really hard, creating squares, oblongs, triangles and even a pentagon.

Counting the exact number of steps forward.

Concentrating hard

Marking out the direction taken

One step at a time

Success - a square! Right angle turns.

More tricky - estimating degrees to make a triangle. Fantastic.

No time to take coats off, too busy!

Got to get on  - changes to make to my work.

Can we adapt our work for a Bee bot?

Yes. Computer programming, here we come!

ART - Printing

Just before 1/2 term we looked at how we could most effectively use web broswers to find information and images that we needed for research. We carefully selected appropriate vocabulary to find images of animals & birds that live in the rainforests of Central America. We downloaded pictures, tried to draw them, and then transferred those images for printing. Here are some of our final prints.

literacy/geography/history - The Mayans

Over the course of the term we have combined a variety of skills to find out all about the Mayans. Here is some examples of our work.
Geography/literacy - Research about the weather in Central America.

History - A timeline

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Enterprise week - The final day

What a week we have had in year 3. The children have learnt alot about the different stages of manufacturing, and the importance of running a business properly. \Each child kept their own busines portfolio too.

Here we are making the final products for the market. We made around 100 truffles and sold them for 20p each and around 40 God's eyes for 50p each. We sold out completely at the market. Which means (Jan and Ben) that Mrs Thomas' tough approach to quality control paid off! Well done year 3, you worked really hard and should be very proud of yourselves.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Literacy - advertising posters

We worked hard at our posters.It took 1 or 2 days to actually put it
up but we were happy when we put them up on the wall.
We put the posters up because we wanted to tell you the truth. They were scrummy!

by Ryan and Millie C


Mr Byrnes came to school to tallk about asbestos.            


He said in Norway they burn the asbestos.  In England they put it in a sack and land fill sites.    


He came to teach us about his job.   



by Jamie.

DT - food preparation

This week for enterprise week we have been making god's eyes and chocolate truffles.


by Ed and Josh



Literacy - TV adverts

In Year3 three we have madeTV adverts for chocolate truffles. Anna found it hard to say her words loudly and Phoebe found it hard

to remenber when to say her words , but Phoebe found it easy to say her words loud and clearly Anna found it easy  to pretend to eat the truffles.


By Phoebe and Anna

numeracy quality-control


This week we were making gods-eyes & truffles.
Mrs Thomas was being tough because she was doing a quality-control check!
And it was deffintly NOT fair!

Quality-control means that if somthing is not good  enough it will have
to be redone,but if it is good enough it will be sold,that is what happens in buisness's. 

By Jan and Ben

DT - taste testing

The truffles  were delishes. I had two. There were white choc and dark choc. I liked the white choctolate the best. It was hard to think of some describing words for the taste testing.


By Quinn and Peter


God's eyes
We found it really hard starting it off and we found it really easy wrapping the wool round the sticks, because it was very basic.

By William and Sam

Thursday, 7 February 2013

DT & Literacy

Today our classroom was turned into both a manufacturing business, making 'Truffles of the Gods' and God's eyes and a film studio to make TV advertisements for our chocolates. The children worked really hard on their playscripts, rehearsals and filming.





Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Chocolatiers - Test samples

As part of our business development, we needed to make a sample batch of truffles to check that our recipe worked. Here is our first attempts.
Of course they will need to pass the high standards set by quality control, which means tomorrow we have to be taste testers. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it!

Enterprise - learning about careers

We have been really lucky to have another visitor - Mrs Wright, who talked to us about her job as a nurse. She has had a really interesting career, starting in the Royal Navy, experiencing A & E, and now working as a practice nurse. We got to look at lots of different equipment and try and work out what they are used for. Best of all we got to experiment with them too.
Did you know a nurse needs to be good at science, numeracy, literacy, ICT and it helps to know Latin.

Thank you Mrs Wright. It was interesting and lots of fun too.

The medical profession

Enterprise - jobs

Career ideas

Enterprise week

Monday, 4 February 2013

NUMERACY - Market researchers.

Today, we discovered the importance of market research. We discussed how before we can even think about being chocolatiers, we need to find out what the consumer (people who might buy our product) wants. So, we had to do market research. We discussed the options for coating our truffles and then went out into the market place (classrooms) to find out what other children would want and buy. Tomorrow, we will analyse our data (work out what's the most popular truffle coating). Look out for our data analysis work.

Having decided the questions we wanted to ask, the children then designed tally charts to record their answers. Here we are undertaking our research, clip boards at the ready.

Questions and tally charts at the ready.

Asking the questions.

Counting the results.

Making a note of the responses.


We were really lucky to have Mr Byrnes (Father of Sydney) come and talk to us about his job, as an asbestos surveyor. He told us about the different skills that are needed to do his job and what he did in school that helps him now. In fact he asked the class to work it out. These are the things they got right. Science, lots of numeracy, literacy, handwriting and ICT.

But best of all, Mr Byrnes brought in some of the very special equipment that is used to keep asbestos removers safe. Here we are trying on the masks.

A big thank you to Mr Byrnes. He made it really interesting and so the children asked lots of questions. We even touched on ecology and the responsibilities countries have to each other. Brilliant

Sunday, 3 February 2013


This week is enterprise week. We are going to do lots of things including  finding out a little about fair trade, different jobs people do and of course make our own products to sell.

We will set up our classroom as a business, and find out about the different stages that are involved in taking an idea for a product through to it being available to buy. What we call in class the big picture.

Whilst developing our skills in ICT, DT, art, literacy, numeracy and geography, we will also learn about; product and packaging design, market research, data analysis, manufacturing, advertising and of course pricing and selling. Sounds complicated? Well, you'll be doing it all! 

Welcome to the world of business year 3!