During our lesson, you need to find out what someone does to prepare for confirmation. What happens when a person is confirmed and how this will impact on their life.
Lifes big moments. - Found out what it means to be confirmed.
Confirmation - Who? When? Why? How?
Lifes big moments. - Found out what it means to be confirmed.
Confirmation - Who? When? Why? How?
Lesson link - Believers baptism - What are the similarities and differences to a confirmation service?
Lesson link - Bar Mitzvah
Lesson link - Bar Mitzvah
Why are there so many Hindu Gods?
Video clip - about Puja.
Puja information
In class assembly this week, we are going to think about the importance of setting goals and not giving up, even when things get difficult.
Class Assembly 22/11/12
This week our focus has been on humility. We will watch this video and talk about how having humility can help us in life. You may also want to think about how this might help the Islanders in our RE lesson on Friday.
LESSON week beg 23/11/12: THE ISLAND
The people from the cruise, have now settled on the island, but they are getting irritated and frustrated with each other. Different people have different ideas about how they should do things and this is causing big problems. The Islanders decide that they need to make some rules to help their new community to live together, but what rules should they make?
Here are some links to some of the 'rules' that different faiths have - these may help you.
Don't forget that we have families in our class who belong to other faiths too. You could ask them about the rules that they have for their religion.
For our class assembly, we will be listening to the words in the hymn Brother, Sister Let me serve you. We will be thinking about what they mean and how we can apply them to school life.
Brother, Sister let me serve you, video
We will watch this video clip as part of our class assembly. We are going to learn about the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur, which takes place on the 25th September. The story of Jonah and the Whale is often told as part of the service to help Jewish people connect to God.
Harvest is an important celebration that we will learn more about at the beginning of term.
Harvest book
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