I hope you've all had a good holiday and are ready and raring to go on your last term as year 3's! As you know know our topic for this 1/2 term will be Our Earth.
Based on the questions you asked at the end of last term, we will start by looking at what the Earth actually looks like, and then work our way in from its surface to the Earths core.
Don't forget that there will be lots of resources put onto all the different blog pages to help you, whether it's PE, numeracy, literacy, topic or any of the other subjects. Do look at them regularly, you can always go over old activities to jog your memory and keep the skills you have learnt fresh in your minds.
Your new targets will also be on the numeracy & literacy pages. I will leave the old targets on them too, just to remind you of what you need to keep doing. An old target, shouldn't be a forgotten one.